The Impact of Corporate Social Responsibility and Profitability in Financial Performance Moderated by Amanah Concept
CSR, Profitability, Financial Perfomance, Amanah ConceptAbstract
Purpose – This study aims to fill a gap in the literature by examining the impact of CSR, measured through Zakat, and the effect of profitability on the financial performance of companies in Saudi Arabia, as well as the role of the concept of Amanah as a moderating variable. Methodology/approach – This study employs a quantitative method using secondary data from financial reports of banks listed on Tadawul from 2019 to 2023. The sample was selected based on the consistency of reports and the absence of losses in the last three years. Data analysis was conducted through multiple linear regression with panel data using Eviews version 11. Findings – The research findings indicate that CSR and the concept of Amanah have a significant impact on the financial performance of Islamic banks, whereas profitability does not have a significant effect. The concept of Amanah also acts as a moderating variable that strengthens the influence of CSR and profitability on financial performance. Novelty/value – This study makes a significant contribution by demonstrating that the concept of Amanah plays a key role in enhancing the financial performance of Islamic banks, alongside CSR. The findings support the Sharia Enterprise theory and introduce a new approach to measuring the performance of Islamic banks by placing greater emphasis on the concept of Amanah.
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