Determinant on The Structural Performance of Krisnadwipayana University


  • Lina Tio Linclon University
  • Dorris Yadewani University of West Sumatra
  • Ali Ameen Lincoln University College
  • Ibrahin Alrajawy Lincoln University College



Technopreneurship Innovation, , Process Innovation,, Administrative Innovation, , Student Performance Structure


The rise of knowledge-based technopreneurship has led to significant changes in work and the demands placed on organizations. Organizations are required to become a repository of innovation and nurture and retain talent resources. The primary purpose of this study is to investigate the impact that technological entrepreneurship, process innovation, and administrative innovation have had on the structural performance of Krisnadwipayana University. Students who made use of various smart government services were selected through a process known as random sampling. A total of 700 respondents were asked to participate in the survey, but only 403 did so, yielding a response rate of 57.57%. After removing missing data, outliers, and questionable replies, 372 respondents were evaluated. SmartPLS 3.0 was used to analyze research models using PLS and SEM-VB. The findings of this study add to what is known about technopreneurship in the academic and public sectors. They look at how innovations in technology, processes, and management affect the academic and administrative success of Krisnadwipayana University students.


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How to Cite

Tio, L., Yadewani, D. ., Ameen, A. ., & Alrajawy, I. . (2023). Determinant on The Structural Performance of Krisnadwipayana University. International Journal of Islamic Business and Management Review, 3(2), 183–192.


