The Effect Of External Adaptation, Internal Integration And Basic Assumptions On Company Performance Of Palm Oil Companies In Indonesia


  • Mohd. Nawi Purba Universiti Utara Malaysia
  • Mohd. Azwardi MD Isa Universiti Utara Malaysia



External Adaptation, , Internal Integration, , Basic Assumptions,, Work Proficiency , Work Achievement


Management of human resources is important in corporate management. Really knowing how work performance influences the productivity of palm oil companies. Therefore, the potential for employee performance and their relationship with work performance is important to know. In the principles of work performance of workers is a reflection of the productivity of the palm oil company as a whole.

Purpose – This research aims to analyze and test the influence of the role of organizational culture in predicting work performance on the company performance of palm oil companies in Indonesia. Methodology/approach – The type of research used is field research with a quantitative approach. The population and sample for this study were all managers of private oil palm plantation companies, totaling 103 people using purposive sampling techniques, so the number of samples studied was 100 respondents, and measurements were carried out using a Likert scale. The data analysis technique used descriptive analysis and verification analysis with Partial Least Square (PLS) approach using Smart PLS software. Findings – The research results show that external adaptation gives a positive and significant impression on work performance, external adaptation gives a positive and significant impression on company  performance, internal integration does not give a positive and significant impression on work performance, internal integration does not give a positive and significant impression on company performance, basic assumption give a positive and significant impression on the Work performance, basic assumption do not give a positive and insignificant impression on the Company Performance, work performance give a positive and significant impression on the company performance, the work performance as an enabler of the gap have a positive impression positive and significant in showing the impression of external adaptation on the company performance, the work performance as an enabler of gaps does not give a positive impression and is not significant in showing the impression of internal integration on the company performance, the work performance as an enabler of gaps have a positive and significant impression in showing the basic assumption of the principles of the company performance.


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How to Cite

Purba, M. N., & Mohd. Azwardi MD Isa. (2024). The Effect Of External Adaptation, Internal Integration And Basic Assumptions On Company Performance Of Palm Oil Companies In Indonesia. ADPEBI International Journal of Business and Social Science, 4(2), 105–119.


