Storytelling and Its Effect on Repurchase Intention, A Survey on Indonesian Customer with Heuristic Theory Perspective




This study aimed to examine the effect of storytelling marketing with heuristic theory perspective on repurchase intentions through the mediating variables of empathy, brand attitude, and brand image. The storytelling marketing dimensions used in this study consist of perceived esthetics, narrative structure, and self-reference. In addition, this study used humorous storytelling ad by one of technology services company in Indonesia. The implementation of this study is further based on a survey on 344 respondents which were analyzed using second order PLS-SEM disjoint two-stage approach. The result shows that storytelling marketing has a positive effect on repurchase intention. Empathy, brand attitude, and brand image also mediate the relationship between storytelling marketing and repurchase intention. However, in this study, storytelling marketing contributed weakly to empathy, brand attitude, and brand image. In addition, repurchase intention in this study is more affected by brand attitude and brand image. This research supports the heuristic theory in explaining the effect of storytelling marketing on consumer repurchase intention. This study also provided empirical results related to the effect of the dimensions of perceived esthetics, narrative structure, and self-reference on brand attitudes and brand image that have not been widely tested.


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How to Cite

Hapsari, H. R., Novandari, W., & Pradipta Setyanto, R. (2024). Storytelling and Its Effect on Repurchase Intention, A Survey on Indonesian Customer with Heuristic Theory Perspective. International Journal of Digital Marketing Science, 1(2), 88–100.


