Digital Technologies And Financial Performance In Local Government In Kabale District Local Government, Uganda


  • Mugume Herbart Kabale University
  • John Bosco Turyasingura Kabale University
  • Moses Agaba Kabale University



Digital Technologies, Financial Performance and Local Government, Uganda


This study was set to examine the effect of digital technologies on financial performance at Kabale District Local Government. The predictor variables under study were integrated financial management systems, programme-based budgeting system and integrated personnel and payroll system while financial performance was the outcome variable. The study followed a cross sectional survey design. Data from 139 respondents was collected and analyzed quantitatively complemented with qualitative analysis. Since descriptive analysis entailed description of a single variable and its attributes, frequency tables were used to present the data. At the bivariate level, a Pearson correlation matrix was conducted to ascertain the relationships between the predictor variables and the dependent variable.  A linear regression model was used to fit the data. Research findings from the regression model show that integrated financial management systems (R=862), programme-based budgeting system and integrated personnel (R=756 and integrated personnel and payroll system (R=829) have a positive significance on the financial performance at Kabale District local government. The main conclusion drawn from this research is that integrated financial management systems, programme-based budgeting system and integrated personnel and integrated personnel and payroll system have a significant effect on service delivery. The study therefore recommends that there is need for putting more efforts on integrated financial management systems, programme-based budgeting system and integrated personnel and integrated personnel and payroll system for fortitudes of making financial performance as a custom at Kabale District local government.


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How to Cite

Herbart, M. ., Turyasingura, J. B. ., & Agaba , M. . (2025). Digital Technologies And Financial Performance In Local Government In Kabale District Local Government, Uganda. International Journal of Digital Marketing Science, 2(1), 51–65.


