Exploring The Effects of E-Service Quality and E-Trust on Consumers’ E-Satisfaction and Tokopedia’s E-Loyalty: Insights From Gen Z Online Shoppers
E-Service Quality , E-Trust , E-Satisfaction , E-Loyalty , Gen Z , Online ShoppingAbstract
Purpose – This study aims to explore the impact of e-service quality and e-trust on e-satisfaction and e-loyalty among Gen Z consumers on Tokopedia. Methodology/Approach – The research adopts a quantitative approach, collecting data through an online survey of 200 active Tokopedia users aged 18–26 (Gen Z). The analysis was conducted using Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM). Findings – The results reveal that e-trust significantly influences e-satisfaction, and e-satisfaction has a significant positive relationship with e-loyalty. However, e-service quality does not have a direct significant impact on either e-satisfaction or e-loyalty. Novelty/value – This study provides insights into the critical role of e-trust and e-satisfaction in fostering customer loyalty, particularly on e-commerce platforms targeting Gen Z consumers, such as Tokopedia. The findings assist companies in developing more effective digital marketing strategies for customer retention.
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