Profitability, Sales Growth, Ownership Structure on Company Value with Moderation of Capital Structure in Fisihing Company
Profitability, , Sales Growth, , Company Value , Managerial Ownership, , Institutional OwnershipAbstract
This research aims to test and analyze the influence of profitability, sales growth, managerial ownership and institutional ownership on company value with capital structure as a moderating variable in fishing companies. This research uses quarterly financial report data obtained from 8 fishing companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (BEI) for the period from Quarter I 2020 to Quarter III 2023. The sampling technique in this research uses Saturated Sampling Technique with 8 fishing companies selected as sample. This research uses panel data analysis techniques with moderated regression analysis (MRA) on E-views 13. The research results prove that profitability, managerial ownership and capital structure have a positive effect on company value, while sales growth and institutional ownership have no effect on company value. In addition, capital structure is able to moderate profitability on company value.
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