Achieving Green Performance through Green Human Resources Management, Green Knowledge Management and Green Competency
Green Human Resources Management;, Green Knowledge Management , Green Competency, Green PerformanceAbstract
Objectives: This study will look at how green performance in the healthcare sector is affected by green human resources management (GHRM), green knowledge management (GKM), and green competency (GC).
Methodology: Employees that work for a hospital group in the Jakarta area make up the study's population. A total of 100 respondents participated in this study. Partial Least Squares- Structural Equation (PLS-SEM) model used for analyze the data.
Finding: This paper demonstrated a link between green performance in the healthcare sector in Jakarta and green human resources management, green knowledge management, and green competency.
Conclusion: Green performance is determined by green competency, green knowledge management, and green human resource management. Green performance can be raised by improving green HRM, improving green knowledge management, and improving green competency. Green performance can be indirectly improved by strengthening green HRM and can be indirectly improved by strengthening green knowledge management. The company can indirectly improve green performance by enhancing green HRM and green competency.
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